Mesa Verde Conversion to Home Ownership
Tenants of Mesa Verde will be granted the opportunity to purchase their homes beginning January 1, 2025. During their tenancy, they will have been earning equity towards the home purchase at the rate of 3% annually. The purchase price of the home will be established by an appraisal. Mennonite Housing will send out statements to tenants documenting their earned equity and the purchase price monthly beginning 9/30/24. Tenants who are interested in purchasing their home will need to complete a letter of intent that can be found here. Tenants will need to secure funding through a bank of their choice. The bank may be able to access first time homebuyer grant funds if available to help with closing costs on the home.
To fill out a letter of intent, please click here. For further information or any questions, please contact our office.
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |